About Me
Planning Your Own Funeral

Hello, my name is David and this is my funeral planning blog. Funerals can be morbid affairs and your own funeral is probably something you don't want to think about. However, last year, my grandmother passed away. As my family dealt with her affairs, we discovered that she hadn't made any plans for her funeral. This made it difficult to know what she would have wanted and some of my family had an argument about the best way to proceed. I worked closely with the funeral home and discovered a lot about how best to plan a funeral and the importance of planning your own. My grandma was laid to rest in a beautiful ceremony. I hope you find this blog useful.


Top Tips When Choosing a Funeral Home.

1 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Choosing a funeral home may be a difficult task for people writing their own will or those planning for a prepaid funeral. Read the extract below to know what considerations you should make when choosing a funeral home.  Reputation Choose a funeral home that is known for high-quality services. Conduct some research on social media and independent websites to determine the reputation of various funeral homes in your locality. Red flags to look out for include incidences of poor customer service or breaches of contracts. Read More …

The Importance of Memorials

28 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A memorial is normally thought of as a way of helping bereaved families gain some type of permanent connection to someone they have lost. This type of connection can be hugely important for helping people go through the initial stages of grieving, and on a long-term basis, helping them process the sense of loss that they are likely to feel. Memorials have traditionally been connected to either burials or cremations and are normally associated with a really peaceful place, such as a landscaped garden or quiet chapel, and are generally a fairly tranquil environment. Read More …

How to Create a Very Special Memorial for Your Dear Departed Friend

28 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

While it is often easier to deal with as time goes by, it's still a challenge when somebody very close to you passes away. You may not be able to come to terms with the fact that they're gone, as you have been used to spending so much time with them on a daily basis and they are part of who you are. Nevertheless, after the initial shock has worn off, you will want to make sure that you eulogise them as much as possible and provide a fitting memorial that will last forever. Read More …

Mistakes to Avoid When Maintaining or Restoring a Gravesite

11 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Maintaining and restoring a gravesite shows respect to the deceased, and for those who visit the site, as they may be upset to see a grave that is unkempt and neglected. Most cemeteries will provide some type of maintenance service, but not all do, and not all such cemeteries will be very thorough with their work. You may also discover a grave for a relative or someone else at an abandoned cemetery! Read More …

Including Friends in the Funeral Service of a Lost Loved One

18 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Sometimes, it's only after someone passes away that their immediate family get to know quite how many other lives they touched. After all, friends and family often run in different circles, so it's natural that relatives never really see all of the other people in someone's life. With all of these people around, you might find that there are plenty of volunteers when it comes to the funeral service. It's nice that there are so many people who want to be involved, but it can be difficult to find jobs for them all. Read More …